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CQWW WPX Contest, CW (2006)

This was the innaugural multi effort from the new NR4M qth. Appropriately, the last contest operated under the call NR4M from his old qth five years ago was the CQ WPX CW. Construction is ongoing and will be for some time. We operated using the new 20 meter stack (4 5 el OWAs on 160 ft tower) and the multiplier station antennas (KT36XA @ 70ft and 2 el KLM 40 at 77 feet).

CQWW WPX Contest, CW (2009)

Wonderful contest, wonderful weekend, wonderful condx for the most part. Certainly one to remember. 15M wouldn't stop Fri night, early Sat morning. If you single banded 20 with the thought of getting some sleep, it didn't work that way or you didn't win! Saturday 10 was terrific starting out with Eur skewed path then normalling up straight path.

CQ 160-Meter Contest, CW (2004)

First contest operation from the new NR4M qth. Hung a full sized ground plane from the 160ft 20 meter tower and put a beverage up for Eur. Condx were quite good with Eur and the west coast both being very loud Sunday morning. Can we trade a couple South Dakota Qs for North Dakota. How about a couple VE3s for a VE4 or VE5?

ARRL DX Contest - CW (2000)

First, and most importantly, everyone had GOBS of FUN! With three operating positions, originally considered doing M/2. Looked like there would be sufficient operators to keep each positioned manned most of the weekend, so decided to go M/M. Late Friday afternoon still having problems getting the radio interface to work at the third position.

North American QSO Party, CW - August (2010)

Once again, a great contest. Condx seemed to be quite good all bands and qrn wasn't bad on the low bands here in VA. Everything seemed to click. The Goat himself (NR4M) boiled peanuts for our enjoyment! (Don't knock it if you haven't tried!)

CQWW WPX Contest, CW (2008)

For the second time we had the pleasure of hosting an op from another country in WPX CW. This year Nodir EY8MM was attending training in the US, so he made it to Dayton and did the contest with us. Who'd have thought we'd be working Eur on all six bands with over a hundred Qs on 160 and over 300 on 10M.


WAE DX Contest, CW (2007)

NR4M crew had a great time in WAE CW. Still working out kinks as we get the new contest station set up. Had problem with software configuration for serial numbers for the first hundred or less qsos. Notified DARC so no-one will get docked points. We'll CU next year with more weapons!

CQ Worldwide DX Contest, CW (2007)

We're getting much closer to having NR4M ready for the big time. The core antennas are in place for 80 through 15 - 80 = 4SQ and appear to be working well. 40 = pair 4 el OWAs 190/100ft, 20 = 5/5/5/5 top at 160ft, 15 = 5/5/5 top at 120ft.

ARRL DX Contest, CW (2011)

With flares occuring later in the week we didn't know quite what to expect for the contest. In general the bands seemed to be quite good. 10 certainly could have been better, but we're thankful for the Qs we did make on that band, with many of them being skewed path Eur. Again very few station problems with the biggest one being a computer problem on 15.

CQWW WPX Contest, CW (2011)

Don't want to jinx things, but we essentially had no technical problems during the weekend. Even the computers behaved remarkably well! To date we've been limited to a single rig on each band. We had hopes to have a second rig on 40 and 20 for this contest, but continue to have problems with isolation between rigs. Decided to delay rather than wipe out the front end of another radio!  Thanks to all for the Qs and patience on the low bands in the midst of mother natures crashes!


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