published by n2yo on Mon, 2015-12-07 19:19
Another one in the books. Enjoyed the good propagation on most bands. Really kept things hopping. Never enough operators. One night time op had to go home sick, another canceled on Friday, and two could only put in 3 hours each, which made things kinda 'thin' at times. This was especially true with two first time operators. But, overall, this kind of operator shortage was expected with this family holiday weekend. Always a tough weekend for ops.
published by n2yo on Wed, 2015-06-03 08:30
Great to get back into WPX CW again after missing last year due to a wedding and station construction. We had a great crew and everyone seemed to have a good time for this one. Condx weren’t bad. Ten obviously left a lot to be desired, but we’ve gotta get used to that. Fifteen was fair Saturday and much better Sunday. Twenty was better in the late evening/early morning than during the day. 40 produced well considering the considerable shorter opening to Europe. As expected, with flux down, 80 was quite good and noise surprisingly low. Not much to be said for top band.
published by n2yo on Tue, 2015-02-24 03:48
Wx was a player in this weekend's operating. With the extreme cold, 4 operators could not make it due to wx related issues at home and another two to limit their time here. After receiving a few more inches of snow during the day Saturday, the snow turned to sleet in the evening. The 80 meter delta loop array collected ice and was detuned enough for us to quit using it. 15 meters showed a slight rise in reflected power, but not enough for concern.
published by n2yo on Sun, 2015-01-25 22:37
Found condx first night to leave a lot to be desired. Stations were not
as strong as I've seen them past contests, and just didn't seem to be as
many at any given time. Just didn't have the seemingly endless pile-up
as in the past.
published by n2yo on Sun, 2014-12-14 19:02
Trying new stuff out. In the past, I've never had an antenna lower than 120 feet that I could turn and use in domestic contest. That was really miserable. Day before the contest, a friend gave me a 5 ele 10 meter yagi that K7SV and I got up the day of the contest.
published by n2yo on Sat, 2014-12-06 19:04
The crew at The Goat Farm (NR4M) once again had a great time in the CQWWCW Contest. While every year it becomes more and more difficult to find operators available Thanksgiving weekend, we continued in the Multi/Multi category to give everyone plenty of time in the chair. At Goatville there is always a desire to be as competitive as possible, but ensuring that everyone enjoys themselves is always important.
published by n2yo on Sun, 2014-01-26 19:13
Conditions down from last year. Thanks for the contacts. 73 de Steve, NR4M
published by n2yo on Mon, 2014-01-13 01:44
Team: PVRC Rappahannock 2. Comments: Few things went right.
published by n2yo on Sun, 2013-12-29 21:51
K7SV and I got our 'wires' crossed and wound up going over time badly. He thought I started last and I thought he was going to take a couple of hours off in the wee hours. Only missed it by about 50 minutes.
published by n2yo on Mon, 2013-12-16 22:35
Operated when I could, on/off over the weekend. Mostly running, with very little S&P. My antennas are better suited for DX than close in stuff. I did wind up learning where I can, and can not, work using the higher angle back lobes of my antennas. Was consistently working the upper mid-west off the back of my SA stack at 35/70 feet pointing @155. Was much better than my lowest rotatable antenna @120 feet.