Everything pretty well came together station-wise for the contest and the
propagation deities really favored us this time around. 10 thru 40 were
great all weekend. 80 was terrific Friday night, but not so much Saturday
night. Jim W4PRO did a terrific job milking top band for multipliers and
what Qs were available. The flux was down some, but that probably helped the
low bands while ten meters was open world-wide.
There was no new business or old business to discuss. We were once again pleased that a contingent from the SWVA chapter made the trip from the Lynchburg area. We were also honored to have KT0P make the trip from Charlottesville. As usual we went around the room discussing the general activities of each member, then took a poll on planned activities for SS and CQWWCW.
Well, two weeks from now we'll be 13 hours into the contest. Predictions
for propagation are good so I hope that holds. The bands have all been
great. YB26SEAN was well over S9 at my qth on cw and ssb on 20 this morning.
I worked a YL7 and a YL5 on top band last night. 10 has been great
world-wide. There was a VK6 on long path on the band ssb this morning and I