published by n2yo on Wed, 2013-02-20 22:46
As we've frequently said before, it's always nice to have new folks operate with us. We has the same Carolina folks with us that did last year (W0UCE and N3ND) plus N1LN. It was great to have both Bills back from Lynchburg. As always the local group was fun, and had fun. Without them on Sunday afternoons, we wouldhave trouble covering bands after the traveling guys depart.
published by n2yo on Tue, 2013-02-12 02:33
A good time was had by all. Plenty of ops, plenty of sleep, plenty of food, plenty of drink and plenty of propagation. Late in the weeks, LOTS of ugly problems cropped up. Most were taken care of and the couple that were left, were not too bad. Friday afternoon, I discovered a S/N problem that would have killed the whole weekend for us. The crew at N1MM solved it and had a new version out in about an hour and a half. Big thanks to them!
published by n2yo on Sat, 2013-01-26 20:20
Called to order more or less at 10:30 Saturday morning. Having no new business nor old business to discuss, Frank K4EC began the round robin around the room for each attendee to discuss what had transpired in his/her ham radio life in recent months.
K4EC – Frank. In a recent wind storm Franks R5 vertical was fairly demolished by a neighbors falling tree, so now he’s down to no antennas. He’s planning on rectifying that shortly.
published by n2yo on Sun, 2012-12-02 20:22
Well, another CQWW CW is in the books at the Goat Farm. This year due to the timing of Thanksgiving holiday, a large number of our regular ops were unavailable and others could only stop by for a short while. So in the interest of sanity (and sleep ... we are not getting any younger) we opted for Multi-Single this year. After the full 48-hours, however, we certainly realized this Multi-Single stuff in CQWW is a lot of work! No just sitting around and 'running 'em ... you actually have to THINK about strategy and band changes and all that.
published by n2yo on Tue, 2012-10-16 12:28
Did not like what I saw re condx before the contest and after first 3 hours decided I MUST have something better to do. Worked on/off the rest of Sat and Sun. Put a total time in off just under 7 hours. Beautiful wx this weekend, so found many, more productive things to do outside. Thanks to all for the contacts!
published by n2yo on Tue, 2012-10-02 12:36
What a great weekend! Great friends, great conditions and we introduced three folks to the world of RTTY contesting. We had a pair of delightful young ladies join us. Sally G2YL who is residing in Northern Virginia put a lot of Qs in the log and provided great diversity to the usual contest weekend banter. While, Steve's NR4Ms daughter, Jennifer, has grown accustomed to all the contest 'strangeness' over the years, this weekend she actually participated in it, making a number of contacts on 20 meters.
published by n2yo on Sun, 2012-07-29 21:24
NR4M (team 'Goat'), was the winner of the 2011 CQWW RTTY DX contest in the 'Multi-operator, Two transmitter' class, for North America. It really is an attractive award.
This was a new North American record of 6,363,236 points.
published by n2yo on Thu, 2012-07-19 11:30
Rules make it not as much fun for a multi-op. Off for about 2 hours because of electrical storms in area. Had the pleasure of having Sandy, YO3ND, operate with us, while visiting N2YO. Had plenty of time BS, and we did.