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Meeting was called to order at the Goat Farm (NR4M qth) at 10:30AM 25 Jan 2014. There was no new business nor any old business. Going around the room, here’s what the folks have been up to...

CQ 160 CW (2014)

Conditions down from last year. Thanks for the contacts. 73 de Steve, NR4M

North American QSO Party, SSB (2014)

Took one for 'The Gipper' I did not enjoy this. I started late, so I quit early (sounds fair...)

North American QSO Party, CW (2014)

Team: PVRC Rappahannock 2. Comments: Few things went right.

ARRL RTTY Roundup 2014

Skip, KC4QP and I were just playing around for a while. Thanks for the contacts.

Stew Perry Topband Challenge 2013

K7SV and I got our 'wires' crossed and wound up going over time badly. He thought I started last and I thought he was going to take a couple of hours off in the wee hours. Only missed it by about 50 minutes.

ARRL 10-Meter Contest (2013)

Operated when I could, on/off over the weekend. Mostly running, with very little S&P. My antennas are better suited for DX than close in stuff. I did wind up learning where I can, and can not, work using the higher angle back lobes of my antennas. Was consistently working the upper mid-west off the back of my SA stack at 35/70 feet pointing @155. Was much better than my lowest rotatable antenna @120 feet.

ARRL 160-Meter Contest (2013)

Good conditions, but there could have been more activity. Activity from SA was notably absent. We got receive 8 circle working (mostly) and 3 new Beverages working within the last few days before the contest, and they were a huge factor in our ability to hear stations. At times, there was considerable rain/snow static, which would have been a pain to deal with, if not for the receive antennas.

Rappackers Holiday Get Together

Our annual party is scheduled for Thursday, December 12 at 7 PM.

Location is Firebrids Wood Fired Grill, behind the Spotsy mall. Here is a link to their webpage, complete with directions and menu.

Contact K4ZW if you plan on attending so we can have the the tables setup for the group.

CQ Worldwide DX Contest, CW (2013)

Great to see good propagation for the contest. Seemed this was the year for hardware failures, both before and during the contest. 'Stuff' happens. Too much food and not enough full time ops. Of course, if we had the ops, the food would have worked out fine.


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