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Limited time due to 'life'. Thanks for all the Q's. Merry Christmas everyone.

ARRL 10-Meter Contest (2014)

Trying new stuff out. In the past, I've never had an antenna lower than 120 feet that I could turn and use in domestic contest.  That was really miserable.  Day before the contest, a friend gave me a 5 ele 10 meter yagi that K7SV and I got up the day  of the contest.

CQ Worldwide DX Contest, CW (2014)

The crew at The Goat Farm (NR4M) once again had a great time in the CQWWCW Contest. While every year it becomes more and more difficult to find operators available Thanksgiving weekend, we continued in the Multi/Multi category to give everyone plenty of time in the chair. At Goatville there is always  a desire to be as competitive as possible, but ensuring that everyone enjoys themselves is always important.

18 Oct 2014 Rappahannock Chapter PVRC meeting notes

The meeting was called to order by Frank K4EC at 10:30. Old and new business were called for with no response. This was the second meeting for W6LWG and K4GTF. Dick and Gary were voted into the club. Applications should be forwarded this week.

CQ WW DX CW 2014

The 2013 CQ WW RTTY Trophy has arrived

The 2013 CQ WW RTTY Trophy has arrived: #1 North America at Multi/Multi Category!


Meeting held at NR4M (Da Farm) QTH, called to order at 10:15 23 Aug 2014.
New Business: None
Old Business: None
Monkey Business: Plenty
Once around he room:
We missed K4EC and K4ZW at the meeting. Both of theirs wives currently have serious health problems. Your thoughts and prayers for Katie and Sue are appreciated.

ARRL Centennial QSO Party (October)

The ARRL Centennial QSO Party is a year-long operating event that celebrates hams making contacts. In the end you will have accumulated points, worked new stations and made new friends all over the world. W1AW will be on the air from every state and most territories, and it will be easy to work WAS working only W1AW portable operations. This is the first ARRL-sponsored operating event where every member is worth at least one point, so work as many points as you can during 2014! Earn awards based upon points, working all states or working W1AW portable in every state and territory. This is an on-the-air event like no other.

North American QSO Party, RTTY (2014)

Need L-O-W-E-R antennas on the high bands.


Wow! What a weekend.

Found the bands extremely friendly, so everyone found a place to operate.
There seemed to be an almost limitless supply of new stations the whole weekend.

Had two operators who had never operated RTTY at all, and one other that had done so one a limited, casual basis. Two others had never operated from the Goat Farm before, so there was there was a bit of a 'learning curve' for several ops.


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