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ARRL 160-Meter Contest (2011)

ARRL 160-Meter Contest

Call: NR4M
Operator(s): NR4M
Station: NR4M

Class: Single Op HP
Operating Time (hrs): 6:31

Total:  QSOs = 639  Sections = 60  Countries = 19  Total Score = 114,234

Club: Potomac Valley Radio Club


Got into this contest on a whim at the last minute, and started late.

Had more problems in the short time I op'd this contest, than all other
contests in recent history.  
Rig would lock up when you pressed the 'esc' key to kill a CQ.  Apologies to
those ops where I just disappeared, for many seconds.  
Two Beverages 'died'.  The West and the NW ones had zero output and sure could
have used them.
For some reason, the first part of the first letter of the first 'word' of some
received transmission were cut off.  This turned 'M' into 'T', 'K' into 'A' and
'N' into 'E', etc. Not fun.  T/R timing was almost at QSK speed, so ???
Anxious ops on the other end?
And, 'the same old guy' STILL thinks that 100 HZ away is a clear freq.  

Got into this contest the second evening because the 10m RTTY contest saw the
band fold up here on the east coast within minutes after it began.

Overall, I had a lot of fun because I didn't go into this contest with any
goals.  I just wanted to send CW.

Thanks to all for the contacts and see you next time.


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