published by n2yo on Sat, 2024-12-07 03:05
160M antenna was FUBAR for this contest.
SWR was over 4:1, so just used my K3S, with tuner and 50 watts output.
To my surprise lots of stations heard me.
One of my PVRC friends sent me a text telling me my signal was waay down. Yea, I guess so!
Worked THREE DE stations within a two minute period!
Thanks for the Q's
published by n2yo on Sun, 2023-12-10 18:39
I only operated when I wanted, which made it very enjoyable. Ate with my wife, did a bit of 'this and that', then operated some more.
The first night, I didn't have an EU Beverage, but managed to work 6 EU stations, as I recall.
Second night after I repaired the EU Beverage, I NEVER heard a European station at all.
Never really worked much out west and what there was, when I was on, was weak.
Heard lots of PVRC members and it's always nice to work them. My 40 year of home brew 4-1000 amp continues to work without issue. If all things were that reliable...
published by n2yo on Sat, 2021-12-18 02:29
Got bored and quit early Friday night (local) after 3 1/2 hours.
Saturday night (local) QRN was terrible here, so quit early again.
My heart just wasn't in it this year.
Thanks for all the QSO's
published by n2yo on Sat, 2019-12-14 15:14
ARRL 160-Meter Contest - 2019
Call: NR4M
Operator(s): NR4M
Station: NR4M
Class: Single Op HP
Operating Time (hrs): 16:15
Total: QSOs = 1174 Sections = 78 Countries = 36 Total Score = 319,920
Club: Potomac Valley Radio Club
published by n2yo on Wed, 2018-12-05 23:14
Well, this was really a messed up contest for me. I have no clue how I did this well.
Normally, I do not do much, if any, of a write-up, but this time I thought it might be worth an explanation of ‘Mr. Murphy’s’ visit.
published by n2yo on Mon, 2017-12-04 00:24
Normally, K7SV and I do this contest as a team. This year Larry decided that he wanted to try it from his home QTH, so I was on my own. I figured this was going to be 'interesting' as I really don't do nights well at all. For a while my EU Beverage had been working/not working and we were not having any luck figuring out why. Sure as heck, when I started the contest I did not have any EU Beverage. As it was, things went OK, if you subtract no Beverage. Good activity from both US and DX sides.
published by n2yo on Sun, 2016-12-04 23:27
Never had so many dupes in a contest. I was spotted a couple times as NR-3-M. Hope everyone had a good time.
published by n2yo on Mon, 2015-12-07 19:23
Steve and Larry (K7SV) teamed again for this running. Steve worked from the beginning to about 03Z and Larry operated from 03Z to about 08Z. Steve took over from about 09Z to sunrise. That was both nights. Conditions were not stellar, but certainly not bad. QRN was minimal but at times the band was really packed. We had a problem with the 8 circle, so RX antennas were NE, SE and NW beverages. Transmit antenna is a pair of phased Tees with about 100ft vertical. rig = K3 driving a single 4-1000Z.
published by n2yo on Mon, 2013-12-09 12:57
Good conditions, but there could have been more activity. Activity from SA was notably absent. We got receive 8 circle working (mostly) and 3 new Beverages working within the last few days before the contest, and they were a huge factor in our ability to hear stations. At times, there was considerable rain/snow static, which would have been a pain to deal with, if not for the receive antennas.
published by n2yo on Tue, 2012-03-06 01:45
Got into this contest on a whim at the last minute, and started late. Had more problems in the short time I op'd this contest, than all other contests in recent history. Rig would lock up when you pressed the 'esc' key to kill a CQ. Apologies to those ops where I just disappeared, for many seconds.