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ARRL 160-Meter Contest (2021)

Got bored and quit early Friday night (local) after 3 1/2 hours.
Saturday night (local) QRN was terrible here, so quit early again.
My heart just wasn't in it this year.
Thanks for all the QSO's

ARRL 10-Meter Contest (2019)

Was working on/off thru these miserable condx. Had to remove several contacts as the station just 'went away' which trying to finish the QSO.
When I wasn't operating, I was doing some painting in the shack, as it was more fun to watch the paint dry, than it was operating.

Stew Perry Topband Challenge (2017)

Stew Perry Topband Challenge

Call: NR4M
Operator(s): NR4M
Station: NR4M

Class: Single Op HP
Operating Time (hrs): 11

Total: QSOs = 624 Total Score = 2,488

Club: Potomac Valley Radio Club


Thanks for the contacts.

Steve, NR4M

ARRL 160-Meter Contest (2016)

Never had so many dupes in a contest.   I was spotted a couple times as NR-3-M. Hope everyone had a good time.

ARRL 160-Meter Contest (2015)

Steve and Larry (K7SV) teamed again for this running. Steve worked from the beginning to about 03Z and Larry operated from 03Z to about 08Z.  Steve took over from about 09Z to sunrise. That was both nights. Conditions were not stellar, but certainly not bad. QRN was minimal but at times the band was really packed. We had a problem with the 8 circle, so RX antennas were NE, SE and NW beverages. Transmit antenna is a pair of phased Tees with about 100ft vertical. rig = K3 driving a single 4-1000Z.

IARU HF World Championship (2013)

The Potomac Valley Radio Club hosted both the ARRL headquarters station, led by captain Steve Bookout NR4M, and the IARU headquarters station, led by captain Fran Donovan W3LPL. Steve's team, operating as W1AW/4, has been spread amongst 8 different stations in North Carolina and Virginia, while Frank's team, operating as NU1AW/3, has been spread amongst 5 different stations in Maryland.

Russian DX (2009)


Russian DX (2009)


IARU HF World Championship (2006)


CQ 160-Meter (2011)



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