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ARRL 10-Meter Contest (2021)

Call: NR4M
Operator(s): NR4M
Station: NR4M

Class: SO CW Unlimited HP
Operating Time (hrs): 23:00

Band QSOs Mults
CW: 831 95
SSB: 0 0
Total: 831 95 Total Score = 315,780

Club: Potomac Valley Radio Club


Glad that is behind me.

Meteor pings were a bit disconcerting, but are part of the sport. It's amazing
the +/- 50 db, or more, in just an instant!

Was encouraged by the short EU opening on Saturday, only to see it almost non
existent on Sunday.

If it weren't for the ops in FL, CA and South America, it would have given a new
meaning to 'miserable'.

My computer randomly 'hiccuped' with about 4 hours to go, but was able to get it
working again after a couple of re-boots. N1MM would not key from the keyboard.
Thought for a few minutes, that I was finished for this contest, but got

Discovered I've got power line noise from my NW direction, which was 'on and
off' both days.

Thanks for all the QSO's
73 de Steve, NR4M


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