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ARRL 10-Meter Contest (2021)

Glad that is behind me.
Meteor pings were a bit disconcerting, but are part of the sport. It's amazing
the +/- 50 db, or more, in just an instant!
Was encouraged by the short EU opening on Saturday, only to see it almost non
existent on Sunday.

ARRL 160-Meter Contest (2021)

Got bored and quit early Friday night (local) after 3 1/2 hours.
Saturday night (local) QRN was terrible here, so quit early again.
My heart just wasn't in it this year.
Thanks for all the QSO's

CQ WW DX CW Contest (2021)

It was so nice to have everyone back together again for a Goat Farm M/M. Things were not 100% due to a few surprises, but most things worked very well. The blower in the 160 amp sounded like it had been working in a quarry crushing gravel during the Covid lull. Working on getting another blower installed by the weekend.

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