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Rob, WK3W


Name: Rob Sterne
Current call: WK3W
Previous calls held: N3IGV; WA3FHB; WN3AJB
How long a ham? 48 years
How long a PVRC member? 35 years
Occupation: Patent Attorney
Favorite mode: CW
Favorite contest(s): WPX CW; ARRL SS CW
Notable awards or achievements:  MD LP ARRL SS CW 1991 top score after being off the air for 10 years
What do you like about ham radio other than contests? Antennas, station building and construction, boat anchors
Current home station setup: Mineral, VA (Lake Anna)
Other radio clubs you belong to: No one but PVRC will accept me
Favorite ham radio related book or magazines: CQ, 73 and QST from end of WWII to 1962
Other interests besides ham radio: slalom waterskiing, tennis, 1991 Mercedes 560 SECs, pontoon boats


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