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Stew Perry

Stew Perry Topband Challenge (2019)

Got on very late. One of my friends texted me wondering where I was. Got busy and had forgotten about the contest.
Lots of loud EU stations, which is good, as I had noise to the NW and an intermittent EU Beverage.
Thanks for the Q's.

Stew Perry Topband Challenge (2018)

                     Stew Perry Topband Challenge

Call: NR4M
Operator(s): NR4M
Station: NR4M

Class: Multi-Op HP
Operating Time (hrs): 8:42

Total:  QSOs = 582  Total Score = 2,408

Club: Potomac Valley Radio Club


After a while (about 50 Q's), I realized I had left packet connected, so I changed to 'Multi'.

Thanks for the Q's.

73 de Steve, NR4M

Stew Perry Topband Challenge (2017)

Stew Perry Topband Challenge

Call: NR4M
Operator(s): NR4M
Station: NR4M

Class: Single Op HP
Operating Time (hrs): 11

Total: QSOs = 624 Total Score = 2,488

Club: Potomac Valley Radio Club


Thanks for the contacts.

Steve, NR4M

Stew Perry Topband Challenge 2013

K7SV and I got our 'wires' crossed and wound up going over time badly. He thought I started last and I thought he was going to take a couple of hours off in the wee hours. Only missed it by about 50 minutes.

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