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SARTG WW RTTY Contest (2012)

Would have been nice if the SFI had been higher. Thanks for all the QSO's.

SARTG WW RTTY Contest (2011)

George, K4GM, and I decided to do this just for the fun of it.  I'm rather new to RTTY contesting, so wanted to experiment and learn.  George, just wanted to have fun. Decided months ago to make the move over to N1MM, and have been able to make things work on CW.  The week prior to the contest, I got all the K3 stations up and running with N1MM, but NEVER could get the Orion II and Omni 6 working on 10/15.  (Software can make you feel soooooo small....)  Forced to used brand 'W', which I have been using with no real issues for years.  ALL the rigs immediately work with 'W', so went with that.

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