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CQ WW RTTY WPX Contest (2012)

It sure was fun doing diddles in a M/M setting with the gang from the Goat Farm in the CQWPX RTTY contest. We kind of thought that with the flux dropping to 99 the high bands may suffer, but ten seemed good to Eur Saturday and even better Sunday.
Pile-ups on 15, Saturday and Sunday mornings, were incredible. With Eur being decent on 80, it seems like it was a great compromise propagation-wise.

CQWW WPX Contest, CW (2008)

For the second time we had the pleasure of hosting an op from another country in WPX CW. This year Nodir EY8MM was attending training in the US, so he made it to Dayton and did the contest with us. Who'd have thought we'd be working Eur on all six bands with over a hundred Qs on 160 and over 300 on 10M.


CQWW WPX Contest, CW (2011)

Don't want to jinx things, but we essentially had no technical problems during the weekend. Even the computers behaved remarkably well! To date we've been limited to a single rig on each band. We had hopes to have a second rig on 40 and 20 for this contest, but continue to have problems with isolation between rigs. Decided to delay rather than wipe out the front end of another radio!  Thanks to all for the Qs and patience on the low bands in the midst of mother natures crashes!

CQWW WPX Contest, CW (2007)

Another fun M/M from the Goat Farm (NR4M) with antenna limitations. The gang had a great time. Only lost about 4 hours due to thunderstorms. When storms weren't in close, the low bands were reasonably quiet.


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