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ARRL DX Contest, CW (2025)

Congrats to K3LR, and team, for another excellent team performance for the win.

Then, I need to thank the team at K1TTT for keeping us motivated. It was always
so neck-and-neck, that I literally lost track of the number of times we swapped
positions on the on-line scoreboard. Sometimes the lead would flip-flop every
time the scoreboard would update! That makes for motivation. I hope we 'pushed' them a bit as well. Second place (first loser) will be
decided by log checking.

CQ WPX RTTY Contest (2025)

Well, this was sure different.
I almost never do this contest because it's the week before ARRL DX CW, and I
don't want to break something and have not much time to fix it.
This time, from the beginning, it was my intent to get as many 'newbies'
involved as it could. This would include those who have operated RTTY before,
but from a very modest station, those with NO RTTY experience at all, those with
very little to NO HF operating experience at all. I got some of each to go
along with some of the regular guys.

CQ 160-Meter Contest, CW (2025)

On the day of the contest, K7SV, came over and helped me sort out the high SWR
issues with my antenna.

I had a full day planned for Saturday that started early, so I didn't operate
too much on Friday night.  When my Saturday obligations were finished about 2250
GMT on Saturday, I got on and had a blast.

North American QSO Party, CW (2025 January)

Knew I wasn't going to have much time, so for the heck of it, I went

Only had one station as for a fill.  And, successfully 'ran' for a while on 20.

73 Steve, NR4M

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