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CQWW DX CW (2010)

Conditions seemed to be great for this years running of CQWWCW. The Goat Farm Crew had a terrific time! Half the guys fought Thanksgiving weekend traffic in traveling to and from the farm.

CQ 160-Meter (2010)


CQWW WPX Contest, CW (2010)

It nice to have Jim W4PRO join us from the Tidewater area again and it was a pleasure to have Peter K3ZM from Charlottesville join us. They did a terrific job on 160 and 40 respectively. We had storms pass just to the northwest of us most of Friday night, but the low band ops made the best of it. The four two direction beverages really made a difference! It's always a blast to spend a
weekend with the regular crew as well.

North American QSO Party, CW - August (2010)

Once again, a great contest. Condx seemed to be quite good all bands and qrn wasn't bad on the low bands here in VA. Everything seemed to click. The Goat himself (NR4M) boiled peanuts for our enjoyment! (Don't knock it if you haven't tried!)

ARRL 10-Meter Contest (2010)

None of the 3 ops had any real quantity of time to spend with this contest. Used it to try and get a feel for how the new antennas played.  So far, so good. Finished rebuilding RF section of a 25 yr old amp Sat AM, so decided that we would test it out in the  contest.  It proved to be a good 'all or nothing' shake down of the amp.

North American QSO Party, RTTY (2010)

This sure was a change!  Never have it done any QRP contesting. I thought about doing this contest, but really couldn't figure out why I should.  Then, as  'hoot' I decided to do it QRP.  I figured 5 watts would make it at least 'memorable'. As it turned out, I kinda enjoyed it and was surprised that it wasn't as painful as I had imagined. 

ARRL DX Contest, CW (2010)

The gang had a great time in the ARRL CW DX test and innaugural tractor pull! NR4M spent as much time pulling folks who got stuck in snow in his driveway as he did operating. Great to see improved condx.

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