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ARRL DX Contest - CW (2000)

ARRL DX Contest - CW
Call: NR4M
Operator(s): KI4RO, K4GMH, K4EC, WA4JUK, K1SE, K4EU, NR4M, K7SV, DA1SY
Station: NR4M

Class: Multi-Multi
Operating Time (hrs): 48

 Band     QSOs  Mults
  160:     44     33
   80:    126     51
   40:    830     83
   20:   1262    110
   15:   1550    102
   10:   1449    100
Total:   5261    479  =  7,519,821


First, and most importantly, everyone had GOBS of FUN! With three operating
positions, originally considered doing M/2. Looked like there would be
sufficient operators to keep each positioned manned most of the weekend, so
decided to go M/M. Late Friday afternoon still having problems getting
the radio interface to work at the third position. Then discovered
the 10 and 15 meters stacks were resonant well below the bands - ice!
Friday night it warmed enough that the ice was gone and stacks in good
shape when 10/15 opened Sat morning. Didn't get feed for the 160 meter
antenna and the beverage into the shack until Saturday afternoon. One of
the ops became ill, so he didn't show up until Sunday. 20/20 hindsight
says we would have competed better as an M/2, but as a limited M/M probably
had more fun, and more points go to the club (PVRC of course). 

Conditions seemed to be excellent 10 through 160. With only three stations
going, it was tough to call which band to be on at times. Had super
opening on 20 early Saturday morning. Called one cq low on the band
around 07Z. Incredible pile-up from Eur and JA didn't dry up for two
hours. Found ZK2CA calling cq on 160. Never copied the report as someone
was intentionally qrming. By the time the joker quit the ZK2 had faded
into the noise. Thought we could catch him at sunrise, but couldn't
find him.

As always, thanks to Steve and Caroline, our most gracious hosts. Oh yeah,
can't forget Kareem's (K1SE) fantastic goat-meat-loaf that always keeps
the troops going.

CU All in the cw wpx.

73 de Larry K7SV


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