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NR4M achieves CQWW CW station best
CQ Worldwide DX Contest, CW
Call: NR4M
Operator(s): NR4M, K4EC, K7SV, K4GMH, K4GM, W4PRO, N3UA, WK3W, N2YO, KC4D, KE3X
Station: NR4M
Class: M/M HP
Operating Time (hrs): 48
Band QSOs Zones Countries
160: 211 21 77
80: 1099 28 105
40: 2075 36 138
20: 2242 40 152
15: 1770 36 134
10: 1408 36 149
Total: 8805 197 755 Total Score = 23,813,328
Club: Potomac Valley Radio Club
Everything pretty well came together station-wise for the contest and the
propagation deities really favored us this time around. 10 thru 40 were
great all weekend. 80 was terrific Friday night, but not so much Saturday
night. Jim W4PRO did a terrific job milking top band for multipliers and
what Qs were available. The flux was down some, but that probably helped the
low bands while ten meters was open world-wide.
Once again the station and antennas held up well. This was the outing that
determined our future use of N1MM, and it came through with flying colors.
Other than op error from time to time we experienced no problems with it
through the weekend.
Mike K4GMH and Steve NR4M got the lock out boxes and active antennas working
so we could do two radios simultaneously on 40 and 20. Due to the usual
problems of getting operators on Thanksgiving weekend they didn't get the
workout they could have, but when ops were available they worked well.
K4EC and K7SV got the most out of 80. N2YO hit 40 with his usual gusto. N3UA
was a wild-man on 20 with K4GMH working everything available on that band at
night. KC4D was super on 15 with great support from K4GM. WK3W and KE3X
cleaned up on mults and ran 10 with passion. NR4M pretty much filled in on
all bands.
Once again many thanks to the Bookout family for hosting us for the weekend.
73 de Lar K7SV
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