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CQWW DX CW Contest

Well, two weeks from now we'll be 13 hours into the contest. Predictions
for propagation are good so I hope that holds. The bands have all been
great. YB26SEAN was well over S9 at my qth on cw and ssb on 20 this morning.
I worked a YL7 and a YL5 on top band last night. 10 has been great
world-wide. There was a VK6 on long path on the band ssb this morning and I
worked a couple of JAs long path from the farm a couple weeks ago. It's
looking like it should be a fun weekend with the high bands sounding so
good. Flux hit 180 yesterday.

The stations in pretty good shape. We have a problem with the feed on the
middle 15, but W0CM, NR4M and I are going to face the cold this morning and
begin repairs on it. Mike and Steve got the second radio on a band going for
40 and 20. A Bobtail for 40 is hanging between the 40 and 10 M towers
beaming NW/SE in addition to the stack as well as a 3 el mosley on the crank
up tower.

Well, with cndx being what they are, we need ops more than ever. There's no
doubt that we're going to have several hours each day with 40 through 10
open at the same time. So far this is how we are stacked up for ops, let me
know if any that I list are incorrect.


I expect we'll do the usual dinner at MAMAs Friday night. Probably best to
figure on eating around 5PM being the contest starts at 7. I expect I can
get Vicki to put something together for dinner Saturday evening as well as
some cookies or whatever. We'll work our chow as usual.


Event Date: 
Friday, November 25, 2011 - 19:00 to Sunday, November 27, 2011 - 19:00

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