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WAE CW from NR4M (2024)

Fun contest.

I operated as much as I wanted, but little 40/80, where the points are. I never could do the 'night time shifts', very well.

Didn't spent enough time on working mults, as I really enjoy running stations. The score reflects that.

Personally, I think they should spend energy on getting more operators on, rather than cutting the time. If there were 40% more operators on, we'd be complaining about it being crowded.

WAE DX Contest, CW (2019)

WAE DX Contest, CW - 2019

Call: NR4M
Operator(s): N2YO K7SV K4GM W0IMD NR4M KN4DEB KE3X
Station: NR4M

Class: M/S HP
QTH: FM18 - VA -
Operating Time (hrs): 42:49

  Band  QSOs  QTCs  Mults
    80:  189    55   144
    40:  542   656   132
    20:  828   873   102
    15:   26     0    50
    10:    3     0     6
Total: 1588  1584   434  Total Score = 1,376,648

Club: Potomac Valley Radio Club

WAE DX Contest, CW (2018)

Contest started out well enough, I suppose. With a new rule this year that
requires competitive stations to have an audio file of their operating
AVAILABLE, if needed, I suppose. I used Audacity (freeware from the web) and it
seemed to work well enough, but it each computers on-board sound card, were 'all
over the place' as far as getting settings correct, and, hopefully, the same.
We'll see...

WAE DX Contest, CW 2017

WAE DX Contest, CW

Call: NR4M
Operator(s): NR4M, K7SV, W7IY, KN4DEB, N2YO
Station: NR4M

Class: M/S HP
QTH: va
Operating Time (hrs): 41

Band QSOs QTCs Mults
80: 117 23 112
40: 563 572 132
20: 884 993 98
15: 25 0 40
Total: 1589 1586 382 Total Score = 1,212,850

Club: Potomac Valley Radio Club


Thanks for the Q's


WAE DX Contest CW (2012)

Miserable time was had by all! Off the air for over two hours because of really bad local thunderstorms. Three software problems ranging from 'bad' to 'terrible' caused us problems with tracking of serial numbers and QTC's. We wound up sending more QTC's than we had QSO's, and at the end of the contest, we still had about 20 in the buffer! The contest manager at DARC, DF7ZS, has kindly offered to take a look at the log to see if it can be salvaged. If not, it will be handled as a 'checklog'.

WAE DX Contest, CW (2007)

NR4M crew had a great time in WAE CW. Still working out kinks as we get the new contest station set up. Had problem with software configuration for serial numbers for the first hundred or less qsos. Notified DARC so no-one will get docked points. We'll CU next year with more weapons!

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