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WAE CW from NR4M (2024)

Hello all,

Fun contest.

I operated as much as I wanted, but little 40/80, where the points are. I never could do the 'night time shifts', very well.

Didn't spent enough time on working mults, as I really enjoy running stations. The score reflects that.

Personally, I think they should spend energy on getting more operators on, rather than cutting the time. If there were 40% more operators on, we'd be complaining about it being crowded.

Anyway, great time and some great PVRC scores.

Was it me, or did UA5Y have a nasty sounding, wide signal? It was either 15 or 20.

73 Steve NR4M

WAE DX Contest, CW - 2024

Call: NR4M
Operator(s): NR4M
Station: NR4M

Class: Single Op HP
Operating Time (hrs): 21:41

Band QSOs QTCs Mults
80: 10 0 36
40: 130 130 87
20: 305 315 78
15: 438 444 82
10: 6 0 8
Total: 889 889 291 Total Score = 517,398

Club: Potomac Valley Radio Club


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