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CQ Worldwide DX Contest, CW (2009)

Once again we had a terrific time putting the hardware at NR4M to work in the M/M category. We managed to get a few new antennas up, which increased the fun quotient! It was great to have W4PRO and N4FX from the Tidewater area join us this year. Once the contest started everything held up well.

CQ Worldwide DX Contest, CW (2006)

Sure was great to have the core NR4M team back together again. WK3W and his son Henry operated with us for a while as well. If one doesn't count not getting the 160 antenna to work as being a Murphy visit, the only place we saw the bugger was in the computers (of course). Once the contest ended Steve NR4M found a bad CAT5 cable on the machine that was giving us fits!


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