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TARA RTTY Melee (2011)

Was using this as a tune-up for the new 10M RTTY contest. Thanks for the contacts.

Makrothen RTTY Contest (2011)

Second time for me and the new software.  I was messing up left and right.  I was the problem, not the software. First time in this contest, so stumbled a lot as far as what to do and when. What appears to be excessive LF's sent caused me to 'chase' the other guys callsign up the screen, with my mouse, more than once.  In retrospect, it was kind of funny.

10-Meter RTTY Contest (2011)

Frustrating, but I had fun. State/Prov count is WAY down.  My station is not set up for domestic contesting, with the LOWEST 10 meter antenna I could point west, being at 120 feet! I could have hung a inv vee across the dog and it would have been a better antenna. Was all pumped before the contest Saturday evening because I was working lots of JA's. 

North American QSO Party, RTTY (2010)

This sure was a change!  Never have it done any QRP contesting. I thought about doing this contest, but really couldn't figure out why I should.  Then, as  'hoot' I decided to do it QRP.  I figured 5 watts would make it at least 'memorable'. As it turned out, I kinda enjoyed it and was surprised that it wasn't as painful as I had imagined. 

OK DX RTTY Contest (2011)

Fun time.

Made mistakes.

Thanks to all for the contacts.

North American QSO Party, RTTY (2012)

Antennas way too high made this a frustrating contest for me. You can't work
'em, if you can't hear 'em. Much easier to work the DX that called me than it
was to work stateside stations.


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