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Makrothen RTTY Contest (2011)

Makrothen RTTY Contest

Call: NR4M
Operator(s): NR4M
Station: NR4M

Class: SO/Single Xcvr HP
Operating Time (hrs): 24

 Band  QSOs
   80:   65
   40:  228
   20:  402
   15:  142
   10:  111
Total:  948  Total Score = 5,848,240

Club: Potomac Valley Radio Club


Second time for me and the new software.  I was messing up left and right.  I
was the problem, not the software.

First time in this contest, so stumbled a lot as far as what to do and when.
What appears to be excessive LF's sent caused me to 'chase' the other guys
callsign up the screen, with my mouse, more than once.  In retrospect, it was
kind of funny.  There was also one fellow who sent his call about 60 times the
first time he called me.  In my mind, I could just see him beating his keyboard
with his fist trying to get it to stop.  I'm glad to know that I'm not the only

Thanks to all of you that gave me contacts.  Now, I can put the shack back


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