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ARRL 10-meter CW (2016)

Boy, that sucked!

ARRL 160-Meter Contest (2016)

Never had so many dupes in a contest.   I was spotted a couple times as NR-3-M. Hope everyone had a good time.

CQ Worldwide DX Contest, CW (2016)

"Mr Murphy" showed up with his whole family this weekend. Spent all my off time fixing stuff or try to minimize things that were too bad to fix at the time.

CQ Worldwide DX Contest, RTTY (2016)

Had a HUGE crew, but some were in/out and we had SIX 'newbies'. Some of them had not done any RTTY before, so there was a bit of slowing down and explaining things and a bit of hand holding. This is not a bad thing necessarily, but with 6 beginners in major contest, some allowances were made. I would not have any issue having each one of them back again.

CQ WW WPX Contest, CW (2016)

Conditions were down, so things were slower. Really miss 10 meter, but we'll have to get used to it.

ARRL International DX Contest CW (2016)

Had a pretty good time, overall. Had enough people and plenty of food. 160 meter 8 circle is still 'AOL'.  Frustrating! Beverages worked really well.  The recent work with filtering and switching paid off. Lots of QRN from far off thunder storms Saturday night.  Made things really tough at times on the low bands.  When the storms causing that thunder arrived on Sunday about 1700 UTC, the rain static from hard rains made things difficult on 15 and 20 meters.

CQ WW WPX Contest, RTTY (2016)

Bands noisy first night, much better second night. Three 'newbie' ops with limited experience. One of the ops for the upcoming Heard Island DXpedition stopped by to see how RTTY is operated, so will at least be familiar with it while on the Island.

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