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IARU HF World Championship (2007)

NR4M team had a great time as usual in the IARU. This year we had the pleasure of Bill, KC4D and Fred W4DF joining us. There were actually a smattering of phone Qs, made, but for the most part it was CW. The station is slowly coming together.

WAE DX Contest, CW (2007)

NR4M crew had a great time in WAE CW. Still working out kinks as we get the new contest station set up. Had problem with software configuration for serial numbers for the first hundred or less qsos. Notified DARC so no-one will get docked points. We'll CU next year with more weapons!

CQ Worldwide DX Contest, CW (2007)

We're getting much closer to having NR4M ready for the big time. The core antennas are in place for 80 through 15 - 80 = 4SQ and appear to be working well. 40 = pair 4 el OWAs 190/100ft, 20 = 5/5/5/5 top at 160ft, 15 = 5/5/5 top at 120ft.

CQWW WPX Contest, CW (2007)

Another fun M/M from the Goat Farm (NR4M) with antenna limitations. The gang had a great time. Only lost about 4 hours due to thunderstorms. When storms weren't in close, the low bands were reasonably quiet.

ARRL DX Contest, CW (2007)

Doing a M/M from NR4M brought back lots of old memories and generated a number of new ones. The new station is still under construction. We had four stations set up, with 10/80 and 15/160 sharing rigs. We used Win-Test for the first time. Beyond a few data entry glithes, it performed great throughout the weekend.

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