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North American QSO Party, CW - August (2024)

North American QSO Party, CW - August

Call: NR4M
Operator(s): NR4M
Station: NR4M

Class: Single Op Assisted LP
Operating Time (hrs): 4:15

Band QSOs Mults
160: 0 0
80: 0 0
40: 97 27
20: 113 34
15: 41 13
10: 0 0
Total: 251 74 Total Score = 18,825

Club: Potomac Valley Radio Club



Murphy is alive and well in central VA.

Hadn't messed with the station since WPX CW and found that most things were 'hosed up' Only two rotator controllers were working, two of the others were showing a 'counter out of range' error, one P/P had no voltage going to it and the 40 meter Moxon turned easily, but not past 340 degrees to the west!

I had decided to use a Drake C-line, I had set up on my old radio bench. It had some mods in it and seemed to be working fine.

Since I had no rig control, it 'bit me in the butt' a couple of times, when I didn't change the band in N1MM. And, was tough to do S&P, like we used to years ago.
Started on 15 and floundered there for a while looking for mults, then switched 20. Both of those bands were super noisy here. I tried 40 early for some local mults, but seemed no one was there yet. Worked just a handful.

Decided my mind and ears needed a break from the severe static crashes. So, I spent time with the 'killer-dog' Lucy and ate the lunch I missed, while the storms moved thru.

Came back a couple of hours later and got back on 40, which by then was in good shape. Found a spot and started running stations at a nice rate, with things better than they had been the previous several hours.

Then, 40 meter SWR went sky high! Checking the coax connector to the antennas,

I could see it was not in the shack but outside somewhere. I decided to throw
in the towel at that point. And, just when it was getting good!...

Thanks for all the Q's

Steve NR4M


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