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CQ 160-Meter Contest, CW (2024)

CQ 160-Meter Contest, CW - 2024
Call: NR4M
Operator(s): NR4M
Station: NR4M
Class: Single Op Assisted HP
QTH: FM18ch  VA
Operating Time (hrs): 7:35
Total:  QSOs = 561  State/Prov = 55  Countries = 35  Total Score = 150,300
Club: Potomac Valley Radio Club
Started out with high hopes for a good time, but immediately found the transmit array had a 2.8:1 standing wave in the EU direction!  I found the bi-directional, NW/SE antenna position could hear EU better than the EU
position!   And, the EU Beverage was 'marginal'.  When a local buddy, running
only 100 watts, beat me in two pileups, I said 'Screw it'! and quit.
I was intending to give it up entirely, but got back on the second evening, but was still faced with mediocre antenna performance.
Still managed to work 45 10 pointers.
Thanks for all the Q's,
Steve, NR4M


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