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K4ZW inducted to the CQ Contest Hall of Fame

CQ Magazine announced on May 20, 2023 the induction of three ham radio operators to the CQ Contest Hall of Fame. One of them is the PVRC member Ken Claerbout.

Ken K4ZW is an accomplished contester both domestically and as DX, operating from over a dozen countries around the world. He is a driving force in the ongoing training and mentoring of students at ET3AA, the radio club at the Addis Ababa University School of Electrical and Computer Engineering. On a recent visit, he helped students install one of the few HF skimmers in Africa to feed the Reverse Beacon Network.

He has served in multiple positions for the YASME Foundation and is past president of the Potomac Valley Radio Club. In that role, he began a series of contesting-related webinars that has morphed into today's Contest University.







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