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CQ Worldwide DX Contest, RTTY (2017)

CQ Worldwide DX Contest, RTTY

Call: NR4M
Station: NR4M

Class: M/M HP
Operating Time (hrs): 48

Band QSOs State/Prov DX Zones
80: 490 48 43 18
40: 1036 51 91 29
20: 1288 51 89 32
15: 800 40 79 23
10: 91 19 17 15
Total: 3705 209 319 117 Total Score = 5,359,950

Club: Potomac Valley Radio Club


Had some 'down time' with about 2 hours to go when a double female panel
feed-thru connector had finally gotten hot enough for the center pin to lose
tension and no longer make a solid connection to the PL-259 center pin. Was
just *a bit* discolored...

Burnt up an AL-1200 (almost literally...) When I recently got it, the tube was
on the edge of 'tube death'. Had to run it at MAX plate current, MAX grid
current with 100 watts drive, in order to get 1500 watts out. After about 6
hours of 15 meter operation, it decided to go 'Krakatoa' on us. Replaced it
with a spare and finished rest of contest with no problems.

Some confusion resulted in only ONE op for about 1 1/2 hours early Saturday AM.
Not good.

Generally, the band conditions were such that there weren't enough callers to
keep the rate up. Occasionally, there were some continual pileups.
10 meters was too spotty to do any running, but frequent checks of the band
provided some Q's, mostly N/S path. Think we just barely worked CA on 10!
With the declining sun spot numbers, there has been a steady decline in scores
in this contest from NR4M.
Some rotator issues, but there are always rotator issues; I have 'rotating
rings' (side mounted antennas) and suffer those issues as well.

Had several ops have to cancel last week because of health issues or other
issues outside of their control. Missed each one and hope they feel better
soon. Also, two of our ops were in 7Q7 for the contest.

Had enough to eat and drink, I think, so no grumbling stomachs.

Thanks to everyone for the Q's.

73 de Steve, NR4M and the entire Goat Farm Gang

73 de Steve, NR4M


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