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CQ 160 CW CONTEST (2017)

Call: NR4M
Operator(s): K4ZW K7SV NR4M
Station: NR4M

Class: Multi-Op HP
Operating Time (hrs): 28:24
Location: USA

Total: QSOs 1481
State/Prov 60
Countries 66
Total Score 663,768

Club: Potomac Valley Radio Club

Steve NR4M, Larry K7SV and Ken, K4ZW, split operating time. Steve ran from 22Z
until around 03Z and then 10Z until after sunrise both days. Larry ran from 03Z
until about 10Z both. Ken came by Saturday evening and operated some of Steve's

Noise on the band was very minimal with the transmit antenna being very
effective on receive.
Conditions were very good within the US both days and west coast signals were

While Europe was present the first night, they weren’t loud and were not
hearing us well. The second night was another story with some loud signals from
Eur and some fairly good runs. Nothing heard from VK/ZL/JA with the furthest
west worked being KH6 and E51.

While key clicks has become much less of a problem over the years, there
remained some culprits who sitting down close to us were quite disruptive.

Rig was a K3 driving a 4-1000.
Transmit antennas is a pair of 90 or 100 foot vertical wires with Tee tops in
phase with unidirectional patter to the NE/SW and omni-directional NW/SE.
We assembled a pair of 580 ft phased beverages on Eur for the contest and had
580 ft single beverages to he NW and SE.

Thanks to all of you for making it so much fun!

Steve, Larry and Ken (part of the 'Goat Farm' gang)
73 de Steve, NR4M


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