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CQ Worldwide DX Contest, RTTY (2012)

CQ Worldwide DX Contest, RTTY

Call: NR4M
Operator(s): NR4M, K7SV, K4EC, K4EU, KT0P, N4NW, N4JOW, JENNIFER, KE3X, K3PAL, W4JAM, K4GM, G2YL, N3ZV
Station: NR4M

Class: M/M HP
Operating Time (hrs): 48

Band QSOs Pts State/Prov DX Zones
80: 525 900 53 48 17
40: 1038 2377 54 75 29
20: 1445 3532 56 94 35
15: 1339 3484 51 96 36
10: 1325 3516 44 96 32
Total: 5672 13809 258 409 149 Total Score = 11,268,144

Club: Potomac Valley Radio Club


What a great weekend!

Great friends, great conditions and we introduced
three folks to the world of RTTY contesting.

We had a pair of delightful young ladies join us.
Sally G2YL who is residing in Northern Virginia put a lot of Qs in the log and
provided great diversity to the usual contest weekend banter. While, Steve's
NR4Ms daughter, Jennifer, has grown accustomed to all the contest 'strangeness'
over the years, this weekend she actually participated in it, making a number of
contacts on 20 meters.

Also on the new to RTTY contesting list are Patrick K3PAL and Ken KE3X

Introducing these folks to RTTY contesting was kind of like showing young
folks the ropes of fishing when it's so good one has to hide behind a tree
to bait the hook.

Condx on all bands were truly terrific as has been attested to by many others.
With ten meters open world-wide sunrise to well after sunset, the low bands
didn't seem to suffer a lot other than from the number of folks who decided to
spend their time up higher.
While everyone put in a number of operating hours, the late night iron men were
N3ZV, N4NW and N4JOW with others putting in some late night hours as well. W4JAM
who operated with us for the first time really added to the score as did G2YO,
K4GM, K4EU, KT0P, K7SV, KE3X, Jennifer and NR4M (THE GOAT) himself.

An RTTY contest really tests the metal of the station and making it through
weekend with no failures attests well to the NR4M theory of build it STURDY!

Again many thanks to the Bookout family for a really fun and pleasant
weekend at the GOAT FARM (Oh yeah, there are antennas on the farm as well as
sheep, Scottish highland cattle and a pair of dogs named Coder (K0DER) and
Bailey (BA1LEY) (the latter are really fierce guard dogs;-)



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