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Steve, K4EU
Steve, K4EU
Name: Steve Hawley
Current call: K4EU
Previous calls held: WN4UAZ, WA4UAZ, WA4UAZ/HC1, HD1A, GM5AXO, KZ5BP, VS6JR, CR9C, F6IKG, CN8FC, FS/K4EU
How long a ham? Since June, 1964
How long a PVRC member? Since 1998
Occupation: Retired
Favorite mode: CW
Favorite contest(s): Most all of them but if had to select only one it would be the ARRL 10m during sunspot maximum years....
Notable awards or achievements: --8BDXCC
--Worldwide SO Winner 1st annual (1973) ARRL 10m Contest, operated as KZ5NG....
--Worldwide MM Winner 1st annual (1979) CQ WPX CW Contest, operated as HD1A....
--Africa Combined Score Winner (1989), ARRL DX Contest, operated as CN8FC...
--160m Africa SO Winner (1990) CQ CW Contest, operated as CN8FC....
--Winner SO Virginia QSO Party (2005-2009), operated as K4C and K4EU...
What do you like about ham radio other than contests? Over the past nearly 50 years, I\'ve met many wonderful people ((Hams)) from around the world.... Ham Radio is a daily learning experience in props, geography, electronic, people, etc....
Current home station setup: FT-1000MP Mark-V Field
8ele Log Periodic @50\' for 20/17/15/12/10m
Inverted Vees @65\' for 80/40m
Inverted L for 160m
N1MM Contest Logger
DX4WIN General Logger
SignaLink USB for RTTY
Other radio clubs you belong to: PVRC; KN1DX and WA4UAZ Clubs
Favorite ham radio related book or magazines: DX Magazine
Other interests besides ham radio: Travel, Photography.... Have visited over 70 countries at last count.....